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If you're really interested, you can read my resume and publication list (last update - August 2007).
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In addition to working with vegetables, I also spend a lot of time with my 2 boys.
I am located off campus (WAY off campus) at the Truck Crops Research & Extension Center, in the nice little town of Crystal Springs, Mississippi, about 30 miles south of Jackson on Interstate 55. The Truck Crops Station is part of the Central Mississippi Research & Extension Center, with headquarters in Raymond, MS.
If you've never been to Crystal Springs, this is a map. As you can see, we have paved roads now. Even electricity and running water...
While not a native Mississippian, after nearly 20 years, I can
understand the local dialect fairly well, although I still can't speak it
like the locals. However, I am learning "southern" with the help of some
friends, and by studying via home correspondence school. Look at some of the words
that I have learned:
One of the things that I collect are really good quotes. I add to this
list frequently. These are some of the best.
Really Good Quotes Warning! -- Do not
go here unless you have a few minutes both to ponder and to laugh.
Some of these are pretty funny. Here's my favorite:
There are 2 rules to success in life.
1. Don't tell people everything you know.
I grew up in a small northern town (only about 1300 miles northeast of Jackson) named Manchester, Connecticut, in southern New England. Well, it was a small town of only 40,000 during my formative years. Now, it's about 75,000 with traffic, condominiums, and pizza places on every square foot. Take a look at Manchester, known as the "City of Village Charm". Manchester, CT
One of the neat things about the Web, is all the amazing things you can see on it. You can even see the The Dead Sea Scrolls .
How about food products? To find out how some food crops are used, take a look at the Epicurious Eating Dictionary.
Here's one of my favorite bands. They play what is best described as "Old Timey" Music, which is a precursor to Bluegrass. They are from the Birmingham, AL area. To get a look, and even hear some RealAudio sound bytes, go to the The Red Mountain White Trash Homepage. They're good. Their newest CD is called "Fire In the Dumpster". They often perform at Contra Dances in Birmingham on Saturday nights. Contra Dance Schedule and lots of links.
Want to learn more about Mississippi and things going on here? Try the Mississippi Tourism Page.
Do you ever come across acronyms which you can't figure out? If you want to look up any acronym, check out the Acronym & Abbreviation Server .
For all the zip codes in the United States (all 9 digits!), check out
Zip + 4 ,
a product of the U.S. Postal Service.
Or, enter the
zip code
to find out what town it is for.
Also, from the U.S. Postal Service,
How much does it cost to send that package?
Better yet -- compare to the rates at UPS
All of the business toll free numbers in the United States are right here Toll Free Numbers .
Looking for somebody?? Here is the Yellow Pages for every business in the United States! U.S. Yellow Pages
If that one doesn't work try this one.
And, the White Pages. U.S. White Pages
If that one doesn't work, try this one. The Switchboard
This is a really good source of information to learn about HTML and writing home pages How to Write HTML Files . There are 3 sections under "Where do I start?" that will get you on the right track.
Check the schedule, the fares, or book a flight on Delta .
If there's something that you would like to search for anywhere on the Web, try my favorite technique, the Alta Vista search engine. It's quick and thorough. Just put your key word(s) in the box and then submit it (them). Give it a try. (Let me know if you find anything really good.)
Mississippi State University non-discrimination statementThe views and opinions expressed in this page are strictly those of the page author. The contents of this page have not been reviewed, approved, or monitored by Mississippi State University.
This URL is: Last modified: August 10, 2007.