My name is Rick Snyder. I am on the faculty of Mississippi State University, serving in a joint appointment between the Mississippi State University Extension Service (MSU-ES) and the Mississippi Agriculture and Forestry Experiment Station (MAFES). Therefore, I have a dual title -- Extension Vegetable Specialist and Research Horticulturist. Since this is a bit cumbersome, I just use the title "Vegetable Specialist".
My main field of work is in greenhouse vegetables (tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, etc.) and field vegetables. I work with commercial growers (those who make a living growing vegetables) and not with the home owner or hobbyist.
Questions on home gardens should be addressed to your County Agent. You can also find other demographics about your county in Mississippi, or anywhere in the United States.
Mississippi State University Publications
Books You Can Buy
There are many good books on vegetable crops, hydroponics, greenhouse vegetables, and insect and disease management. A good, inexpensive source is To search for a book, enter "books" in the first box, keywords in the next, and click on "go".
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Last Updated: November 28, 2007.